Let’s dream for a moment about what it would look like to be a brave mom. Let’s picture ourselves as brave so that we have something to look forward to as we set off on this Brave Moms journey.
Imagine that you are confident in who you are and your ability to mother well. Imagine that you are not afraid of how your child will turn out. Imagine that the hard days of motherhood wear you to the bone but don’t steal your joy or make you lose heart. Imagine that you know Who your God is and how He fights for you and you know who He says that you are and you believe it. Imagine that you know what your weapons are to fight with and you use them with expertise.
This is not a dream. It can be reality and I believe that it is God’s heart. In fact Joshua 1:9 tells us exactly what God’s heart is for us:
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
This promise is not just for the soldier in battle, or the preacher on the stage. It’s not just for the famous woman teaching Bible studies. This is for Moms. You, me and all of us.
The whole goal of mothering bravely is so that God gets the glory when we walk in victory! It’s not so that we can go on with self-serving purposes but so that we will know Him and be known by Him and so that we will make Him known. Our victory is for His glory.
Your Heavenly Father is crazy about you and He has already provided everything you need to be a great mom. Our time together will guide you to seeing yourself and your motherhood how He sees it. We will walk through the important things we need to remember in order to be successful. There is hope for you to overcome weariness and we will dig into the truth that God’s Word holds that keeps us from fear and discouragement.
I pray that you would come to know God’s truth and His heart for you, that you would leave weariness behind, and become a brave mom.
Sound good? Stay with us for the next steps. There are lots of ways to connect with us for consistent encouragement. Listen to the Brave Moms Podcast, sign up for the email list to be notified of updates and Magazine releases, and follow us on social media.
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